Confluence Center
119 W Main St Missoula, Montana
The Confluence Center’s (Western Montana's Home for Nonprofit Events) art program Torrents is thrilled to support Earth Within Girls with their Second Annual Art Fundraiser, Blooming Bodies.
Step into our world where women embrace the rhythms of nature and where cyclical empowerment takes root in nature connection at Earth Within Girls' 2nd Annual Art Fundraiser. The immersive experience will allow attendees to intimately engage with the showcased art, celebrate in dance and learn more about Earth Within Girls.
Featured Artists this year: Amanda K. Bielby, Antara Quiñones, Aydrien Harden, Breze Schmitz, Cam Youngblood, Canyon Hardy, Courntey Blazon, Debbie Faust, Dianne Beeseley, Elisha Harteis, Grace Wolcott, Jessica Wachter, Kent Burkhardsmeier, Jill Logan, Ladypajama, Lillian Nelson, Linda Helding, Lucy Pino, Madelaine Hunter Millar, Mary McDonald, Megan Jane Rodriguez, Meghan Hanson, Morgan Grau, Nancy Rishoff, Naomi Thornton, Pam Nation, Patricia Huff, Rachel Rollins, Rebecca Velde, Sarah Hawkins-Pinchers, Stacy Klocke, Larry Pirnie, T Lyle, & Valerie Wolter.
The stunning artwork will be available for viewing and purchase through the entire month at the Confluence Center until March 28th. Our raffle featuring local artisanal products, wellness experiences and more will take place from 5-10pm on the 7th. DJ Cheyenne Rogers of Bella Flow will pump up the tunes for a Dance Party 8-10pm as we celebrate Women’s Month!
All proceeds go toward: Arlee School and Summer Camp Programs; Soft landing refugee resettlement youth programs; Scholarships to make our work accessible to women and girls that otherwise couldn’t afford it.
Presented by: Earth Within Girls, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Montana
The Exhibit will remain on display and sales open through March 28th, and can be seen by appointment through the Center: 406-926-6526.
For more information about the Confluence Center, please contact Sara Bigelow at sarab@headwatersmt.org. For more information about art events at the Confluence Center, please contact Elisha Harteis at elishaharteis@gmail.com or Lillian Nelson at thedelusionalartist2@gmail.com. For more information on Earth Within Girls contact Melissa Lafontaine at melissa@earthwithingirls.org.
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