Whether you're looking to park and surf, float, or run the river, Western Montana is a prime kayaking destination. And with rivers like the Clark Fork, Blackfoot, Kootenai and Middle Fork of the Flathead, our region provides plenty of paddling options. You can also kayak many of our lakes.
Located in downtown Missoula on the Clark Fork River, Brennan's Wave is a popular play place. At most water levels, you can surf, spin or cartwheel.
Located 30 minutes west of Missoula on I-90, the Alberton Gorge is a popular destination for both whitewater rafting and kayaking. The gorge provides class II, III and IV rapids (depending on the season). Guide companies offer rafting and kayaking trips as well.
Located 20 miles east of Missoula on Highway 200, Johnsrud State Park offers an ideal location for beginning kayakers, complete with beautiful scenery.
West Glacier
With its glacial blue waters, the Middle Fork provides a picturesque setting for hitting the waters in your kayak. And if you don't want to hit the water solo, guided rafting and kayaking trips are available from several area companies.
Located in the northwest corner of Montana, the Kootenai River offers miles of self-guided paddling. While some sections of the river require excellent paddling skills and are best served by a guide, many sections of the river provide calm and uncrowded paddling.
Recreation opportunities exist throughout Western Montana; no matter the season, we’re chock-full of amazing activities. To give you a sampling...
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