Wings Across The Big Sky: Montana's Premier Birding Festival
Jun 1st, 2025
All Day

Holiday Inn
200 South Pattee St Missoula, MT

Experience Montana's Premier Birding Festival! Participate in field trips and learn about current avian research coming out of Montana.

Registration options
Member ($225)
Non-member ($245)
Non-member and want to become a member, or renew my membership ($275)
Student ($150)
Each registration includes:
Your choice of one field trip on Saturday and one field trip on Sunday
Saturday and Sunday breakfast buffet
Saturday and Sunday boxed lunch
Friday and Saturday evening banquet*
*NOTE- there is an option on the registration form to purchase a ticket to bring a guest to one or both of the evening banquets. A guest is someone who is not registered for the festival, and will ONLY attend the banquet. If you are registering for the festival, your banquet tickets for each night are included in the full registration.*

3:00 pm — Registration Opens
4:00 pm — Social with Cash Bar
6:00 pm — Welcome; Buffet Dinner; Keynote presentation

5:45–7:00 am — Buffet Breakfast
6:15 am — A Field Trips Depart
6:45 am — B Field Trips Depart
7:00 am — C Field Trips Depart
2:00 pm — Field Trips Return (approximate)
3:00–5:00 pm — Snacks and refreshments; Bird Science Lectures (times and presenters TBD)
4:00 pm — Social with Cash Bar
5:00 pm — Buffet Dinner; State of the Birds Address by Larry Berrin; Conservationist of the Year Award; Live Auction

5:45–7:00 am — Buffet Breakfast
6:15 am — A Field Trips Depart
6:45 am — B Field Trips Depart
7:00 am — C Field Trips Depart

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