Every year, we are tasked with selecting a cover for our annual travel guide. And every year, we have stunning selections to choose from. (But then again, it helps that we live and play in one of the most beautiful places of the world). However this year, we decided to do something different. We decided to let you, the public, vote on which photo would grace the front of our travel guide.
If you like us on facebook, chanced are that over the last few days you’ve seen people weighing in with their opinions on which photo they liked best.

Well, there’s a few reasons…
- We are in love with both images.
- It was too hard to choose! Picking a favorite cover was like asking my mom to pick a favorite child out of her vastly different five children.
- Social media plays an active role in our promotion of Western Montana. Because of it, I’m able to interact with people who are coming to Montana and to answer various questions like “Where’s the best burger in Missoula?” (By the way, the answer to that is The Mo Club). In a nutshell, it allows me to interact with people in way that was out of reach before. Each week on the blog, I’m able to share with you my own Montana adventures and experiences, all while showing you my silly, dorky side. (PS: I love you guys for allowing me to do that).
And so, it seemed that this year it was time. Time for you to vote. We genuinely wanted to know which photo you connected with and which photo made you feel like you were seeing something truly special. After all, that’s what Montana is. It’s a special place that is best described as magical, majestic and awe-inspiring. So with that, your messy-haired blond friend thanks you for sharing your two cents. After all, this is YOUR cover.
December 13, 2013
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